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NLP with Benefits

One of the most frequently asked question we receive regarding our NLP training is, “What are the benefits of taking an NLP training?” Often we have responded by offering a list of the things that our students have learned over the past 25 years. But lists can be impersonal and often appear to be more hype than substance.

Last week we received three emails from former students containing unique, unsolicited testimonials describing the results they experienced after taking our training programs. Please let us know the results you desire.

1. This testimonial is from a professional woman who graduated from our NLP Practitioner Coach Certification training.

Hi Rachel and Steve – I thought I would share an NLP moment. Yesterday I had a meeting with my boss, which I knew would be contentious. He was angry about something and tends to overreact, be very verbally nasty and all around unpleasant. On Wednesday night, I sat quietly and decided to come up with a visual that I could use when I needed to feel protected. I decided to visually wrap myself in a bubble when I felt overwhelmed. The visual was a swirling air-like thing that would start over my head and wash over me and around me. As I expected, he was nasty, angry etc., but I kept incredibly cool and when I was feeling anxious or upset, I set my bubble thing in motion and it truly worked to keep me protected and grounded. When I didn’t respond to his anger, he became quieter and by the end he apologized twice for being so difficult and ended up saying I should come by more often because I’m good company. I never took anything he said personally and kept detached from the drama. My outcome was to come out calm and whole and that’s what happened. I decided not to be attached to anything except that and it worked. My husband was shocked at how calm I was afterwards because these situations used to ruin my night or several days. I love the idea of being able to protect myself and it’s definitely something I can pass along to others. NLP is awesome! Thanks for a wonderful training. I love that I am growing every day

2. This testimonial is from a professional woman who had attended our Hypnosis Level I and II training courses.

Just wanted to send a note and thank you for the work you did with me, in regards to “not feeling good enough”. Life changing! First on how I feel, think and act and then on peoples’ reaction to me. Some of those old (now retired) emotional reactions are gone, as if surgically removed or something. In its place is a happier, more joyful, excited me, who has more attention on the person in front of me, who hears and sees more/”better” and who enjoys interactions with others, with more honesty and openness. Not being concerned what the outcome, reactions will be, just being curious. Having people wanting me to help (coach/hypnotize) them, just by talking to them. It’s as if they take the initiative, not me “selling”. And without a twinge of doubt, that used to pop up, that I might not be able to do what they want. I suppose, feeling good enough, I now believe that I am good enough. So thank you so much for your amazing work!

3. This is from a professional man who had attended our Level NLP Coach/Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner Coach Training and Level I Hypnosis Training.

Just finished a 4 hour shoot. I’m finalizing my photo series. Remember in NLP training we projected goals. 6 months, 1 and 2 years ahead. I want to share with you that I am receiving the most prestigious cultural award for Art Photography, from the Academy de la Muse. And then a solo show In the Fall in Florence. Thanks NLP. This is way beyond the goal I set to have a photo show in the future. I guess it’s NLP plus. My immediate priority list has just been shaken. It’s funny how validation and a solid goal creates magic. Thank you so much for your help.

If you would like to read more about how NLP has made a difference in our students lives go to http://nlptra.wpengine.com/about/testimonials.

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